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Permanent makeup eyebrowsrows £225 for any brow type including both procedures and aftercare pack.


All prices are fully inclusive of  initial appointment and 6-week top-up appointment and your aftercare pack.

A £50 non-refundable deposit is required at time of booking and payment of the remaining balance can be split between your 2 appointments or paid on the initial appointment. Payment can be made by cash, PayPal, bank transfer or card payments.

You will require a consultation and patch test at least 48 hours prior to your initial appointment to ensure you are a suitable candidate for semi-permanent make-up. Construction is free of charge.

Your initial appointment and top-up appointments will last approximately two- three hours each. Your consultation appointment will take 30 mins.

I cannot determine the final outcome of your PMU as every skin heals differently, more oily skin will always fade more than dry skin and life style is also a factor. If you require a 3rd appointment for an extra touch-up there will be a £50 charge for that.


I recommend an annual colour boost. Your colour boost will consist of one 2-hour appointment which I heavily discount for my own clients as it follows:

Up to 6 months of original procedure £50;

7-12 months of original procedure £110;

13-18 months of the original procedure £150;

After the 19th month of the original procedure £175.

Please be aware, I do not do annual top-ups of other artists work, it will be the full two-part procedure charged at full price.

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Laser tatto removal

Tattoos are a powerful means of self-expression, but sometimes, they no longer reflect who we are. That's where laser tattoo removal comes in. Discover the science behind this effective technique, explore the different laser technologies used, and learn what to expect during and after the process.


Say farewell to tattoo regrets and embrace a fresh canvas for self-expression.

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Reimagine your skin:
Unveiling the art of tattoo removal

Tattoos serve as profound symbols of self-expression. Yet, life's changes and personal growth can render some inked stories obsolete. That's where the transformative power of laser tattoo removal comes into play. Today we will delve into the intricate science behind laser tattoo removal, explore the diverse laser technologies harnessed for this art, and offer insights into what to anticipate both during and after the procedure.


The art of patience and persistence

Optimal results in tattoo removal require a tailored approach. Several factors, including tattoo size, color, complexity, and the laser type, play a role in determining the number of sessions needed. Typically, achieving your desired outcome entails multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart. During each session, we wield a handheld laser device, delivering precise energy pulses to the tattooed area. These pulses break down ink particles into smaller fragments, eventually absorbed and eliminated by your body's immune system. Please note at least 6 weeks are needed between each procedure and at least 8 weeks need to be past for fresh ink to be implanted.

While acknowledging that the process can be mildly uncomfortable, we assure you that any transient discomfort is outweighed by the liberation from past ink choices.


You can expect some redness, swelling, and blistering—integral components of the healing journey.


We will equip you with guidelines to nurture your newly treated area, minimizing the risk of infection. Step into the world of tattoo transformation and embrace the freedom to re-envision your canvas.

Important details

As mentioned, the treatment is usually performed in several sessions. The procedure is relatively painless, and a cooling gel may be applied to the skin before the laser is used to help protect it and minimize any discomfort.


Eyebrows permanent makeup (laser removal) £75 session

Body art tattoo (laser removal) £10/sm². Please note there's a minimum payment required for this procedure. The minimum requirement for booking is £30 (so you actually book 3cm², a £10/sm²).

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