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Frequently asked questions


Do I need a touch up?

A touch up is a repetition of the initial procedure but only on the areas that need to be filled in. If there is anything you didn't like or anything that does not seem right like colour and shape, it can be all corrected at this time. The touch up is done for one and only reason - perfection and good results.


How long does microblading last?

There is no guarantee how long your tattoo will last, it's all depend of the skin conditions and the live style you have, of course the good aftercare is a must. 

Does permanent makeup hurt?

Some people can experience a little discomfort during the permanent makeup procedures, others don’t – it really depends on the person. However, I promise the discomfort is no worse than having your eyebrows plucked.

How much time does the procedure take?

I prefer not to rush and have some extra time, instead of been forced to fit in time frame, so I'll need 3h for the main procedure and couple of hours for the touch ups and colour boost.

Do I need a consultation in advance?

Consultation is a must, it's more education for you, presenting the process and my style of work. It's more getting to know each other and understand our ideas of the final results. Of course patch test and application form.


Can I have the procedure while I’m pregnant or breast feeding?

No is the only answer to this question. Unfortunately,  having the procedure may put your pregnancy at risk, as your immune system is not that strong during this period. I advise you to wait at least 3 months after breast feeding before going for a treatment. 

Will my brows look sore after permanent makeup?

The procedure is done to make you face shine and look even prettier than it already is.Your eyebrows will still be there, a bit stronger in colour, but I promise you won't have to put a mask on you face after the treatment! Most of my clients are excited to show their new brows right after the permanent makeup.


Why do I want permanent makeup?

The most common reason people decide to have permanent make up is tweezing of the eyebrows through teenage years and early 20’s.


As time passes, further natural thinning may occur which means that by the age of 25 your eyebrows may have to be penciled in. Penciling in can take an average of 20 minutes a day, every day, and even with perfectly penciled in brows the wear and tear of the day can cause runs and smudges to even the most carefully applied make up.


Women are under constant pressure to look good all day and permanent make up provides an alternative to constant checking or repairing.


Permanent make up means no more smudged eyebrows or eyeliner just before that unexpected meeting with your boss, or that all important career-changing presentation. It provides an irresistible and indispensable time saving, confidence boost and stress-less choice. It means you have the perfect level of day time make up to go to the shops or build on for that special event!

"Your eyebrows are the picture frame for your face. Permanent make up can give you beautifully shaped brows which can look like a mini-facelift without surgery."


When and why do I need a removal?

There are a few things you should keep in mind. If you have any of these, you may need a removal.

Build-up of pigment

Particles remaining in the skin

More top-ups

Skin full of particles and skin stain won't take more pigment

Titanium dioxide is a large pigment molecule, it's white in colour, light and mid-brown colours often include dioxide. 

Faded lilac/grey eyebrows often look like scar tissues when it's titanium dioxide Black pigment is removed first, which can reveal other colours in brown pigment. The brown pigment is made of black, white, yellow, red and green colours. You may need to remove the old pigment to make room and substitute it with new pigment. It's likely for you to need colour correction if just lightening or making room.

Can I have hair strokes eyebrows?

Yes, they are popular as a microblading, nano brows, realism eyebrows etc. The truth is that every artist can choose different ways to create the desired look and the tools leading to the name they've got, very often the name of the style of the permanent makeup is just marketing. That's why on the consultation appointment we can clarify the desired look you're going for. 

We are doing realism eyebrows using a handle tool for microblading and we're also using a machine to create hair strokes. The technique, materials, and tools depend on the canvas.

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What is eyeliner tattoo?

Implanting pigment on the very top layer of the skin creates an enhanced eye look. The design needs to suit the eye shape, which means that we can't always achieve flicked eyeliner. Sometimes just lash enhancement can be enough to fill in the space between lashes and give them the desired look.

What's the feeling during PMU  treatment? 

The technique we are using is massaging the skin with the needle so the pigment can glide in gently. The feeling reminds stinking a bit and it may cause sore skin, but all clients say it's bearable.

Eyebrows are easy-going, we've got a nice thick skin in there. 


The feeling of an eye tattoo is tickling in between the lashes. 


Lips can sometimes feel swollen and sore during or after the procedure. This is normally the reason why we are splitting the session into two appointments. 

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